Established in 1999, The Canadian Collaborating Centres for Injury Prevention (CCCIP) is a community of practice representing injury prevention centres throughout Canada. Its membership represents all of the provincial injury prevention centres and the leading national injury prevention organizations in Canada. The CCCIP provides a unique opportunity for leading injury prevention professionals to share knowledge and experiences, support individual and collective initiatives, policies, and research, and further the work of injury prevention throughout Canada.
How does it work?
Membership is drawn from Directors or Managers of organizations with an injury prevention mandate who commit to an ongoing involvement and attendance at meetings. The CCCIP operates through the commitment of each member agency to support the time and expenses of its staff to do the work of the CCCIP. The CCCIP has no operating budget. Through its various funded projects or involvement in various national initiatives, it supports occasional face-to-face meetings but typically operates through monthly teleconference meetingsThe officers of the CCCIP are a Chair and Co-chair or two Co-Chairs. Currently the Alberta Injury Prevention Centre (IPC) and the Atlantic Collaborative for Injury Prevention (ACIP) are Co-Chairs. The CCCIP’s Secretariat is Parachute.
CCCIP strengthens individual knowledge, promotes education, develops partnerships, shifts norms and influences policy and practice to reduce the burden of injury in Canada.
CCCIP works on a number of fronts to improve injury prevention policy and practice in Canada:
The CCCIP is a leader in injury prevention.
The CCCIP is a facilitator of action and a leader in the field of injury prevention. Its members work collectively and individually to improve injury prevention policies, programs and surveillance and to translate research into practice. Furthermore, the CCCIP ensures the delivery of a national curriculum that builds professional capacity across the country in order to further action on reducing preventable injuries. Governments and organizations recognize the CCCIP as essential to creating a safer and healthier Canada.
Key activities:
- Fostering professionalism and improved knowledge through the development, maintenance and delivery of a leading edge injury prevention curriculum
- Identify, inform and influence politicians, governments, communities and professional associations to the continuing importance of injury prevention in Canada
- Support surveillance, research knowledge exchange and capacity building to advance injury prevention policy and practice throughout Canada
The CCCIP connects individuals and organizations.
The CCCIP represents a collective and dedicated effort by leading injury prevention professionals across Canada to share information, best practices, and experiences. Members of the CCCIP support one another through mutual capacity building, knowledge sharing, and exchange of ideas. Strong and trusting relationships are central to the CCCIP.
Key activities:
- Regular opportunities to connect through bi-monthly teleconferences, meetings, and conferences.
- Collaboration through strong, supportive, and trusting relationships
- Sharing of information and resources through the CCCIP listserv, mutual activities, and projects.
The CCCIP influences the creation of a new norm.
The CCCIP works towards achieving a new social norm in Canada where all injuries are viewed as preventable, and injury prevention professionals work in collaboration with other sectors to achieve the improved health, safety and well-being of Canadians.
Key activities:
- Communications that strategically promote the preventability of injuries
- Seeking opportunities to develop and maintain cross-sector collaborations
- Influencing social policy and the determinants of injury
- Making the safe choice the easy choice for Canadians
Benefits of working through the CCCIP
Track record: CCCIP has a successful track record in building capacity across the country and providing credible resources to community based programmes. The national curriculum would not have been developed had the CCCIP not existed.
Creates national standard: The CCCIP has created a national standard in its curriculum work to date.
Creates efficiency: products are better and better implemented as a result of the collaboration among CCCIP members.
Multi-sectoral: Along the continuum of injury from unintentional, to intentional and self-harm, there are many causes and therefore many sectors involved in the prevention of injury. CCCIP members work with networks, coalitions and alliances in their own region that span this broad range of stakeholders. Their partners range from professional experts, researchers or practitioners to community members with a personal interest.
Knowledge translation of surveillance, research and programme information: CCCIP members have links to or have staff members engaged in research and /or surveillance. They use their knowledge base to produce information products that educate and inform governments, partners, stakeholders and the public. The ultimate goal of policy and programme development in their region to reduce injury.
Creates venue to focus on national perspective: The CCCIP is uniquely placed in Canada to provide a comprehensive multi-sectoral national perspective on injury. It can reach stakeholders at the provincial, regional and community levels in an efficient manner and engage them in research, programmes or advocacy.